In Praise of Half-Baked Ideas

In Praise of Half-Baked Ideas

I was recently going through my work and had a moment of realisation: I loved my incomplete projects more than my fully fleshed-out projects. There was something raw about them and the ideas they pr...

An Introduction to UX Research: A Cheat Sheet

An Introduction to UX Research: A Cheat Sheet

It's been quite some time since I've posted anything, so to rekindle my knowledge-sharing flame, I'...

Design Thinking is Not Design

Design Thinking is Not Design

We've all heard about Design Thinking, and it's been a buzzword catching on like wildfire. Business...

Information Layout Affects Perception

Information Layout Affects Perception

# Information Layout Affects Perception The information that we are exposed to strongly affects how...

The Visual Breakdown of Information

The Visual Breakdown of Information

We're going to talk about how we process visual information and interpret it. In other words, we're ...