Exploring Hierarchy: Hierarchy as Revolution

Exploring Hierarchy: Hierarchy as Revolution

Some designers will call Hierarchy “Order”. In reality, the names don’t matter, but the ideas they convey do. We’ve defined what Hierarchy was previously, but here’s a quick recap:

Hierarchy relates to how design content can be understood and refers to the importance of an element within a design.

You use hierarchy to guide the viewer through each element in order of importance.

The basic idea is to sort elements in order of importance and add visual weight to contrast or emphasize importance.

Design Hierarchy Meets Social Hierarchy.

How do we even apply the “principle of hierarchy”?

Hierarchy principle represented as the French Estates

Let’s take a look at the diagram above.

I’m sure we’ve all come across this type of diagram back in school.

In this specific instance, we’re looking at France’s Estate in the times of the French Revolution. It’s a feudal pyramid that describes the different social strata in Pre-Revolution France. As you climb up the pyramid, you’ll have less area available. The nature in which us humans value something comes from the concept of abundance. When something is widely abundant, it’s perceived value goes down. Pre-Revolution France had fewer people in power and more people that were serfs serving their feudal lords.

The diagram we’re looking at does not represent the reality of Pre-Revolution times. We’re going to apply realistic proportions of what the hierarchal pyramid ought to look like:

Estates represented proportionally to change the application of the principle of hierarchy

We can consider that only 1% of the population fits into the First Estate, and another 2% fits into the Second Estate. The remaining 97% of the population fits into the Third Estate. Depending on your mindset, you can view the hierarchal order in two different ways:

  1. The First Estate is the least abundant, and as such is the most important.
  2. The Third Estate is the largest, which means the First and Second need it to exist.

Hierarchy Through Another Angle.

Hierarchy representing the Estates in a different angle

The First Estate creates order over the Second Estate, which directly controls the Third. We can say that the First influences the Second and Third, but it’s influence on the Third highly relies on a cooperative Second Estate.

Hierarchy principle representing the Estates as a balance of order and influence

Let’s imagine the First Estate as a datum that holds a feeble balance. It’s not far-fetched to argue that it takes only one unhappy Estate to bring disorder to order.

It’s interesting to see how the Third Estate looks more influential than the Second Estate but also supportive of it. They look like they both willingly work with one another.

What happened after the revolution? The First Estate fell.

Hierarchy post-revolution with the First Estate chopped off

Now we have a small triangle on the side that no longer has any real influence, a leftover element of the past.

In Architecture and Construction, there is a principle called “The Angle of Repose”.

The basic idea behind the principle is as follows: If you pour sand on the same spot, your the sandpit will grow in height. It will keep growing until it’s height creates a steep enough angle on the sides that forces any excess sand to slide down to the base.

If we look at how history went, we see the same thing occur.

We know for a fact that when the First Estate fell, the Second Estate quarrelled over the mantle left behind. Of course, not everyone within the Second Estate will be able to fill in the power vacuum. The individuals or families that succeeded to grab a seat at the big boy’s table managed to do so because they were popular among the Third Estate.

Hierarchy post-revolution with a new hierarchy established

In an ironic twist of fate, we went back to square one but with different names.

Hierarchy showing us going back to square one but with new names

Forcing Hierarchy I

Let’s take a step away from politics and re-examine the triangle.

Previously the topmost part of the triangle was considered the most valuable part of the triangle, but we can negate that through colour.

Hierarchy through the application a colour to force an element to become the most important in a composition

We don’t want to overdo it with the colour though otherwise, we’ll be back to where we started.

Overdoing the colour will offset the balance so it's necessary to design with care

The Nature of Visual Hierarchy.

Let’s say we have a set of rectangles of varying proportions.

Rectangles of varying proportions arranged linearly

The largest element in a composition will naturally draw our attention. One of the reasons why we see this happening here but not the previous examples is because these are individual elements, and as a result, are weighed separately. With the example of the triangles, we were looking at areas confined within the same shape, and when we differentiate a part of it, we give it more attention.

Using colour again to offset the hierarchy and order and forcing a focus on a specific element

We’ve done the same thing we’ve done previously with the triangles, by applying colour, we’ve managed to divert attention to the smallest piece.

Forcing Hierarchy II

Squares off equal sizes arranged linearly

When we have objects laid out with the same dimensions, it’ll be hard to establish a clear hierarchy. You might read the hierarchy left-to-right while a Middle Easterner might read it right-to-left.

Our minds will create “hierarchy” if it can, even if it does not exist. As such, it’s always better to be able to create a “hierarchy” intentionally.

We can establish a hierarchy by emphasizing minor differences.

A shy hierarchy established due to an insufficient difference in form proportions

It’s easier to establish a hierarchy using this scenario, even if the elements do not have exaggerated height differences. We can emphasize the difference to make the hierarchy clearer.

A better hierarchy is established as the difference between elements are exaggerrated through the use of clearer proportional differences

We can apply colour to create a clear winner, but just like the example of the triangle, we need to be careful otherwise we’ll end up back in square one.

Colour added to establish a clearer hierarchal order

Colour isn’t the only way you can create clear a hierarchy. It just happens we’ve been using colour as an example, but you can introduce an intervention such as shape.

Using shape instead of colour to establish Hierarchy

The reality of the matter is, it doesn’t matter what you choose to use to establish a hierarchy or to force a specific read order, but it does matter that you do so appropriately.

Randomized arrangement of the elements creating a harder to read hierarchy, but the user will still be able to kind of create their own narrative

If you do decide to create “Hierarchy” haphazardly, your viewer might still be able to make some sense out of the composition, but you risk losing their interests or the message you wanted to deliver.

Final Thoughts

The principle of “Hierarchy” helps viewers better understand the message or experience by creating a clear flow and highlighting the pieces of information. Our minds want order, and if you do not provide it to your audience, your audience will provide one of their own. Maybe that’s something you want to do intentionally, perhaps to encourage a user to think more about a subject matter or inspire them to explore it further. Even then, you still need to design your elements in a manner that will encourage that type of exploration, and it’s not a get-out-of-design free card.

There are multiple ways you can express a hierarchy, and you must choose the manner that delivers your message best. Are you highlighting the First Estate, or are you trying to empower the Third Estate? These are design decisions with psychological implications where you must choose between oppressing or liberating your audience.

I encourage you to play around explore the different ways you can express the principle of “hierarchy”. Play around, and see how you can further twist the narrative of the estates.

I’d love to see what you create!

Further Reading

Bradley, S. (2015, February 28). Design Principles: Dominance, Focal Points And Hierarchy. Smashing Magazine. https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2015/02/design-principles-dominance-focal-points-hierarchy/

What is Visual Hierarchy? (n.d.). The Interaction Design Foundation. Retrieved September 2, 2020, from https://www.interaction-design.org/literature/topics/visual-hierarchy

Babich, N. (2018, June 20). Design Principles: Introduction To Hierarchy - UX Planet. Medium. https://uxplanet.org/design-principles-introduction-to-hierarchy-ec56fcbd0306